Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chapter 5 - The North American Manufacturing Core

In terms of the manufacturing core, Chicago is second to none(According to This is uniquely demonstrated by the Chicago History Museum, a must see for any visitor to Chicago.  Second to None, part of the Chicago History Museum's permanent exhibition, Chicago: Crossroads of America, demonstrates Chicago’s innovations—in retail, manufacturing, and many other areas.

Chicago has a diverse history in manufacturing and as a crossroads of the nation.  Located on the south bank of Lake Michigan, Chicago was ideally situated to be prosperous in the manufacturing core.  According the the text, Chicago is the dominant city in the midwest and is the unofficial capital.  Rising to the occasion to plant themselves on top,Chicago improved their standing by upgrading the and widening the Chicago River to provide a direct route down the Mississippi River for commerce.  Also, being situated on the Great Lakes, the opening of new canals connecting them to the Atlantic opened the door for literally tonnes of shipping activity.
In addition to shipping, Chicago was also an important center for the meat industry, major railroad switching station among other things.  It was given the discription of "Hog Butcher, Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat, Player with Railroads and Freight Handler to the Nation". Among other innovations that promoted the Chicago's rise to prominace was the Creation of mail order companies such as Montgomery Ward and Co.

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