Sunday, November 21, 2010

Chapter 13 - The Empty Interior

Unlike the Empty Interior, Chicago is blessed with an ample supply of water.  The main source of water provided to the city is from Lake Michigan.  In addition to aquifiers, Lake Michigan provides a steady, safe reliable water source.  This is one of the reasons for the rapid development and location of the city.

The Bureau of Water Supply provides just under one billion gallons of water a day to Chicago and neighboring suburban communities. Raw water is enters the crib about 2-miles out in the lake and is sent to one of two purification plants where the water is treated and impurities removed. The water then flows by gravity to 12 pumping stations strategically located throughout Chicago. At the pumping stations the water is elevated to our grid mains and pressurized. This allows the water to be delivered to homes and business throughout Chicago.

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